Bedbugs hide in your bed.
The common bedbug, scientifically called Cimex lectularius, is a stinging and crawling insect that belongs that the semi-winged insects, which includes aphids and cicadas.
The bedbug is sexually dimorphic. In females, the abdomen is oval and symmetrical. In males, it is elongated and asymmetrical. They are usually nocturnal insects that look for food at night and that hide during the day.
The name 'bedbug' comes from the fact that these insects like to live near their food source - people. It's easier for them to hide in our bed and come out at night, unnoticed, to feed.
Did you know? Our company Anticimex was founded in 1934 to control bedbugs in Sweden. The name 'Anticimex' stems from Cimex and literally means 'against bedbugs'.
Bedbug bites: are you able to determine to different types of insect bites?
- You have been bitten mainly on the (lower) legs or feet and the bites are scattered over your lower body.
- You have been bitten in skin folds or in places where the elastic of clothing (stockings, briefs) or waistband is tight. Bites usually occur in rooms where animals sleep or reside often, or where there is carpet - e.g. the living room.
- You have a pet that behaves restlessly and scratches constantly.
Flea bites usually contain a red dot in the centre of the bite. - Flea bites are very itchy
- The mosquito is mainly active during spring and summer months and stings mainly at sunrise or sunset.
- Swelling is immediately visible after the sting.
- It usually stings on frequently exposed skin areas such as hands, arms, head or legs. The bite itches immediately.
- Bites usually occur in the bedroom or outside.
- Bites usually happen overnight in the bedroom, but it could be that you were bitten on public transportation or in the cinema.
- Usually groups of three bites that follow a line-like pattern (exceptions are always possible).
- The first bite often shows the most severe reaction, while the 2nd and 3rd have diminishing reactions.
- Bedbug bites become visible only after a while (later in the day or a few days later). So, it's possible that you don't feel an immediate itch, but the itch comes later.
- Bedbug bites can cause allergic reactions but they do not transfer any kind of disease.
There are a few other insects that come to mind when you think you have a bug bite: mites, ants, wasps or beetles.

Reasons why bedbugs are a common pest again in Belgium - they love to travel
- The rise in global travel: Bedbugs can easily hitch a ride in our luggage, clothing, and other personal belongings, making it easier for them to spread across countries and continents.
- Restistance to pesticides: Over time, bedbugs have developed resistance to many common pesticides that were previously effective in eliminating them.
- Lack of public awareness: For many years, bedbugs were not as commonly discussed, and public awareness about their presence and prevention was low. This lack of awareness allowed infestations to spread unnoticed and contributed to their resurgence.
- Changes in pest control practices and laws: The use of broad-spectrum pesticides, such as DDT, which were effective in controlling bedbugs, has been restricted due to environmental and health concerns. This has translated into the development of alternative pest control methods that aren’t always effective against these tenacious critters.
How to prevent bringing bedbugs home when traveling
- Travel with hard-sided suitcases and use special protective zippered bags.
- Check the hotel mattress and its surroundings for bedbugs and small blood stains.
- Do not place your travel bags on the hotel bed or on the carpet but on alternative storage surfaces.
- Check suitcases and personal items when you return home from a trip to make sure no bedbugs have been accidentally brought in.
- Store your dirty laundry in airtight bags and wash your clothes at 60ºC when you return.
- Google 'the hotel name + bedbugs'. If the hotel has ever been plagued by this type of pest, chances are a guest has written a review about it.
Do home remedies or sprays really help to get rid of the bedbugs permanently ?
If you find bedbugs or signs of their presence in your home and google what to do for example, you will most likely come across many articles telling you about 'surefire' ways to finish off bed bugs. You can find bedbug sprays, traps, steam machines, and heaters for sale that vendors claim will eliminate your bedbug infestation.
We've heard some pretty crazy stories about what people went through to eliminate these insects. Unfortunately many DIY-methods have the opposite effect.
The remaining bed bugs in your home will hide themselves deeper and create better resistance against the used methods (sprays). Bed bugs can retreat into your walls and defer from eating for months. Eventually, after three to five months, they reappear and the problems start all over again.
What do you need to avoid: diatomaceous earth, cold treatments for furniture, essentials oils and natural remedies, desinfectant, bedbug sprays, throwing away mattresses and furniture.
Bedbug Pest Control Services for the Hospitality Industry
Hotels are at greater risk of bedbug infestation due to the high turnover of guests from all over the world.
A bedbug infestation can be difficult to detect until it is too late and guests have already been bitten. Bedbugs are tiny (4-5mm) and are usually hidden during the day.
Housekeeping staff is crucial in identifying a bedbug problem. By investing in training for them, they will be able to detect the early signs, know what to do in this case and report it before the infestation spreads to other rooms.